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Cabaret series LIVE at Porzellanikon

A selected bouquet of artists for the cabaret series "LIVE at Porzellanikon" of the Förderverein Porzellanikon Selb und Hohenberg an der Eger e. V. is again available for the new season.

Admission is already from 19:00 hrs.
Advance ticket sales at Porzellanikon, Selb, phone +49 9287 91800-0, Selber Tagblatt, phone +49 9287 998731
and at all known sales points as well as online at and

no news in this list.

Read our Quarterly Flyer to get a complete overview of our current programme.

The organisers of the popular cabaret-series are the friends of the Porzellanikon Selb and Hohenberg a. d. Eger e. V. and the concert agency Friedrich GmbH.

Sponsors and Supporters:

Tickets can be bought in advance at the Porzellanikon, Selb, Phone +49 9287 91800-0 and online at